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Are you unhappy in your current job or career?

ChangePath helps you steer your career in the right direction and find your true purpose.

From procrastination to action - we are taking the first steps with you


First Aid Kit for more Job Happiness

We are your safe space to structure and analyse yourself

- for better career decisions

1. Acknowledge doubts

I'm questioning my professional future and want to find a job that suits me and is meaningful, but I don't know where to start, so I'm using ChangePath.

2. Start self-reflection

ChangePath asks me the right questions and I take the time to understand what I really want based on my priorities, needs and strengths with innovative tests.

3. Receive an evaluation

Based on the tests, I get a summary of my self-reflection, with suitable career options and concrete next steps.

Free yourself and find
your fulfillment 🫶🏼

Our methodology

A proven model for more happiness in your career

You spend about 90,000 hours of your life at work – that's an incredible 1/3 of your life! So let's make the most of it.

Your job should suit you, be fun and offer added value to both you and society. That is exactly what we achieve with the ChangePath method.

We use a proven model that is used every year in France by more than 100,000 people who want to give their career a new boost.

ChangePath Method.png
"When I last changed jobs, I took the time to properly reflect on my motivations and skills. This helped me to make an informed career decision that continues to fulfil me to this day."


Managing Director Viva Family Service GmbH

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Why go through a career change alone when we can help and inspire each other?

We connect you with people who are in the same situation.

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Ann-Sophie Czech

Founder & CEO ChangePath

Thank you!

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