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The idea behind ChangePath

Too many people are unhappy in their jobs - every second employee is thinking about changing jobs.


At the same time, many people feel totally lost in their job search. Often because they don't even know what job they should be looking for or what career move would actually matches their wants and needs. This is what we change with ChangePath. We start with the individual and look closely at the diverse personal needs, values, as well as hard and soft skills.


We are not a coach, but a platform. Our vision is to suggest and simulate individual career paths based on self-reflection with the help of AI - for better and, above all, more informed job decision.


We are convinced that we can all find meaningful and fulfilling work.

About the founder

From communication to sustainability, from agency to entrepreneurship. Ann-Sophie experienced first-hand how difficult the first steps in changing jobs and careers can be and looked for a solution to her problem. This is how ChangePath was born.


She was overwhelmed by the limitless possibilities and missed a structured approach to do a smart next career move based on her individual circumstances. That's why she developed her own self-reflection method to be able to make better and more informed career decisions.

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